Sadhana Nirandjan is a final year PhD researcher within the department of Water and Climate Risk (WCR) at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She completed a bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences and Economics from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, during which she discovered her interest for interdisciplinary research within hydrological systems and its societal impacts. Before she started her master in Hydrology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, she had followed extra-curricular courses at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, to gain more knowledge on environmental issues experienced abroad, for which she was awarded the Holland Scholarship. She completed her master’s in Hydrology with a thesis on Managed Aquifer Systems in coastal areas and was awarded the distinction cum laude.
In her current research, she aims to increase our understanding of the multi-hazard risk to critical infrastructure at the global scale. She developed the Critical Infrastructure Spatial Index (CISI) to identify the geospatial location of critical infrastructure and its density for each part of the world. Other aspects that are covered by her research are, under which, the vulnerability of assets, and the quantification of risks on our critical infrastructure due to natural hazards.
PhD Multi-hazard risk to critical infrastructure at the global scale
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
MSc Hydrology (cum laude)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
BSc Earth & Economics
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Working Experience
Job Title
PhD Researcher
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Student Assistant Global Environmental Change & Policy
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research projects
PhD Researcher
Horizon 2020
Physical vulnerability database for critical infrastructure hazard risk assessments–a systematic review and data collection
Critical infrastructure (CI) is exposed to natural hazards that may lead to the devastation of these infrastructures and burden society with the indirect consequences that stem from this. Fragility and vulnerability curves, which quantify the likelihood of a certain damage state and the level of damage of an element under varying hazard intensities, play a crucial role in comprehending, evaluating, and mitigating the damage posed by natural hazards to these infrastructures. To date, however, these curves for CI have been distributed across the literature instead of being accessible through a centralized database. This study, through a systematic literature review, synthesizes the state of the art of fragility and vulnerability curves for the CI assets of energy, transport, water, waste, telecommunication, health, and education in context of natural hazards and offers a unique physical vulnerability database. The publicly available centralized database that contains over 1510 curves can directly be used as input for risk assessment studies that evaluate the potential physical damage to assets due to flooding, earthquakes, windstorms, and landslides. The literature review highlights that vulnerability development has mainly focused on earthquake curves for a wide range of infrastructure types. The curves for windstorms have the second largest share in the database, but they are especially limited to energy curves. While all CI systems require more vulnerability research, additional efforts are needed for telecommunication, which is largely underrepresented in our database.
@article{nirandjan2024physical,title={Physical vulnerability database for critical infrastructure hazard risk assessments--a systematic review and data collection},author={Nirandjan, Sadhana and Koks, Elco and Ye, Mengqi and Pant, Raghav and Van Ginkel, Kees CH and Aerts, Jeroen CJH and Ward, Philip J},journal={Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences},volume={24},number={12},pages={4341--4368},year={2024},publisher={Copernicus Publications G{\"o}ttingen, Germany},doi={10.5194/nhess-24-4341-2024}}
Risk of Tropical Cyclones and Floods to Power Grids in Southeast and East Asia
Power grids play a critical role in modern society, serving as the lifeline of a well-functioning economy. This article presents a first large-scale study on the risk estimation of tropical cyclone (TC)-induced winds and coastal floods, which can widely impact power grids in Southeast and East Asia. Our comprehensive risk model incorporates detailed infrastructure data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) and government power grid maps, along with global hazard maps and vulnerability curves. The results reveal that the estimated expected annual damages from TCs and coastal floods to OSM-mapped assets account for approximately 0.07% (0.00–0.38%) and 0.02% (0.00–0.02%) of the total GDP of the study area, respectively. We analyzed the main sources of uncertainty in the risk model and emphasized the importance of understanding asset vulnerability. These results highlight the urgent need to strengthen power infrastructure to withstand the impacts of natural hazards, and the significance of reliable risk information for improving power grid design and planning. Focusing on developing more region-specific infrastructure data and vulnerability curves will improve the accuracy of risk estimation and provide valuable insights not only for the electricity sector but also for customers of other infrastructure systems that heavily rely on a stable supply of electricity.
@article{ye2024risk,title={Risk of Tropical Cyclones and Floods to Power Grids in Southeast and East Asia},author={Ye, Mengqi and Ward, Philip J and Bloemendaal, Nadia and Nirandjan, Sadhana and Koks, Elco},journal={International Journal of Disaster Risk Science},volume={15},number={4},pages={494--507},year={2024},publisher={Springer},doi={10.1007/s13753-024-00573-7}}
Quantifying climate risks to infrastructure systems: A comparative review of developments across infrastructure sectors
Infrastructure systems are particularly vulnerable to climate hazards, such as flooding, wildfires, cyclones and temperature fluctuations. Responding to these threats in a proportionate and targeted way requires quantitative analysis of climate risks, which underpins infrastructure resilience and adaptation strategies. The aim of this paper is to review the recent developments in quantitative climate risk analysis for key infrastructure sectors, including water and wastewater, telecommunications, health and education, transport (seaports, airports, road, rail and inland waterways), and energy (generation, transmission and distribution). We identify several overarching research gaps, which include the (i) limited consideration of multi-hazard and multi-infrastructure interactions within a single modelling framework, (ii) scarcity of studies focusing on certain combinations of climate hazards and infrastructure types, (iii) difficulties in scaling-up climate risk analysis across geographies, (iv) increasing challenge of validating models, (v) untapped potential of further knowledge spillovers across sectors, (vi) need to embed equity considerations into modelling frameworks, and (vii) quantifying a wider set of impact metrics. We argue that a cross-sectoral systems approach enables knowledge sharing and a better integration of infrastructure interdependencies between multiple sectors.
@article{verschuur2024quantifying,title={Quantifying climate risks to infrastructure systems: A comparative review of developments across infrastructure sectors},author={Verschuur, Jasper and Fern{\'a}ndez-P{\'e}rez, Alberto and M{\"u}hlhofer, Evelyn and Nirandjan, Sadhana and Borgomeo, Edoardo and Becher, Olivia and Voskaki, Asimina and Oughton, Edward J and Stankovski, Andrej and Greco, Salvatore F and others},journal={PLOS Climate},volume={3},number={4},pages={e0000331},year={2024},publisher={Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA},doi={10.1371/journal.pclm.0000331}}
Climate impact storylines for assessing socio-economic responses to remote events
Modelling complex interactions involving climatic features, socio-economic vulnerability or responses, and long impact transmissions is associated with substantial uncertainty. Physical climate storylines are proposed as an approach to explore complex impact transmission pathways and possible alternative unfoldings of event cascades under future climate conditions. These storylines are particularly useful for climate risk assessment for complex domains, including event cascades crossing multiple disciplinary or geographical borders. For an effective role in climate risks assessments, development guidelines are needed to consistently develop and interpret the storyline event analyses. This paper elaborates on the suitability of physical climate storyline approaches involving climate event induced shocks propagating into societal impacts. It proposes a set of common elements to construct the event storylines. In addition, criteria for their application for climate risk assessment are given, referring to the need for storylines to be physically plausible, relevant for the specific context, and risk-informative. Apart from an illustrative gallery of storyline examples found in literature, three examples of varying scope and complexity are presented in detail, all involving the potential impact on European socio-economic sectors induced by remote climate change features occurring far outside the geographical domain of the European mainland. The storyline examples illustrate the application of the proposed storyline components and evaluate the suitability of the criteria defined in this paper. It thereby contributes to a rigorous design and application of event-based climate storyline approaches.
@article{van2023climate,title={Climate impact storylines for assessing socio-economic responses to remote events},author={van den Hurk, Bart JJM and Pacchetti, Marina Baldissera and Boere, Esther and Ciullo, Alessio and Coulter, Liese and Dessai, Suraje and Ercin, Ertug and Goulart, Henrique MD and Hamed, Raed and Hochrainer-Stigler, Stefan and Koks, Elco and Nirandjan, Sadhana and others},journal={Climate Risk Management},volume={40},pages={100500},year={2023},publisher={Elsevier},doi={10.1016/j.crm.2023.100500}}
Framework for rainfall-triggered landslide-prone critical infrastructure zonation
Kaushal Gnyawali, Kshitij Dahal, Rocky Talchabhadel, and Sadhana Nirandjan
Rainfall-induced landslides cause frequent disruptions to critical infrastructure in mountainous countries. Climate change is altering rainfall patterns and localizing extreme rainfall events, increasing the occurrence of landslides. For planning climate-resilient critical infrastructure in landslide-prone regions, it is urgent to understand the changing landslide susceptibility in relation to changing rainfall extremes and spatially overlay them with critical infrastructure to determine risk zones. As such, areas requiring financial reinforcements can be prioritized. In this paper, we develop a framework linking changing rainfall extremes to landslide susceptibility and intensity of critical infrastructure — exemplified on a national scale using Nepal as a case study. First, we define a set of 21 different unique rainfall indices that describe extreme and localized rainfall. Second, we prepare a new annual (2016–2020) inventory of 107,900 landslides in Nepal mapped on PlanetScope satellite imagery. Next, we prepare a landslide susceptibility map by training a random forest model using the collected extreme rainfall indices and landslide locations in combination with spatial data on topography. Fourth, we construct a gridded critical infrastructure spatial density map that quantifies the intensity of infrastructure (i.e., transportation, energy, telecommunication, waste, water, health, and education) at each grid location using OpenStreetMap. The landslide susceptibility map classified Nepal’s topography into low (36 %), medium (33 %), and (32 %) high rainfall-triggered landslide susceptibility zones. The landslide susceptibility map had an average area under the receiver characteristic curve value of 0.94. Finally, we overlay the landslide susceptibility map with the critical infrastructure intensity to identify areas needing financial reinforcement. Our framework reasonably mapped critical infrastructure hotspots in Nepal prone to landslides on a 1 km grid. The hotspots are mainly concentrated along major national highways and in provinces 4, 3, and 1, highlighting the need for improved land management practices. These hotspots need spatial prioritization regarding climate-resilient critical infrastructure financing and slope conservation policies. The research data, output maps, and code are publicly released via an ArcGIS WebApp and GitHub repository. The framework is scalable and can be used for developing infrastructure financing strategies for landslide mountain regions and countries.
@article{gnyawali2023framework,title={Framework for rainfall-triggered landslide-prone critical infrastructure zonation},author={Gnyawali, Kaushal and Dahal, Kshitij and Talchabhadel, Rocky and Nirandjan, Sadhana},journal={Science of The Total Environment},pages={162242},year={2023},publisher={Elsevier},doi={10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162242},}
The impacts of coastal flooding and sea level rise on critical infrastructure: a novel storyline approach
This study presents an event-based storyline framework to assess the influence of future climatic and socioeconomic conditions on coastal flood impacts to critical infrastructure. The framework combines well-established quantitative methods of sea level rise, coastal inundation, and critical infrastructure (CI) physical damage assessments into an integrated modelling approach. We apply our approach to re-imagine three historic events: storm Xaver, storm Xynthia , and a storm surge event along the coast of Emilia Romagna (Italy). Our results indicate that northern Germany would benefit mostly from coordinated adaptation action to reduce the flood impact, whereas the southwestern coast of France would find the highest damage reduction through asset-level ‘autonomous’ adaptation action. Our approach helps to improve the scientific understanding of how coastal flood risk are assessed and best managed, and forces a distillation of the science into an accessible narrative to support policymakers and asset owners to make progress towards more climate-resilient coastal communities.
@article{koks2022impacts,title={The impacts of coastal flooding and sea level rise on critical infrastructure: a novel storyline approach},author={Koks, Elco and Le Bars, D and Essenfelder, AH and Nirandjan, Sadhana and Sayers, P},journal={Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure},pages={1--25},year={2022},publisher={Taylor \& Francis},doi={10.1080/23789689.2022.2142741},}
A spatially-explicit harmonized global dataset of critical infrastructure
Critical infrastructure (CI) is fundamental for the functioning of a society and forms the backbone for socio-economic development. Natural and human-made threats, however, pose a major risk to CI. Therefore, geospatial data on the location of CI are fundamental for in-depth risk analyses, which are required to inform policy decisions aiming to reduce risk. We present a first-of-its-kind globally harmonized spatial dataset for the representation of CI. In this study, we: (1) collect and harmonize detailed geospatial data of the world’s main CI systems into a single geospatial database; and (2) develop the Critical Infrastructure Spatial Index (CISI) to express the global spatial intensity of CI. The CISI aggregates high-resolution geospatial OpenStreetMap (OSM) data of 39 CI types that are categorized under seven overarching CI systems. The detailed geospatial data are rasterized into a harmonized and consistent dataset with a resolution of 0.10 × 0.10 and 0.25 × 0.25 degrees. The dataset can be applied to explore the current landscape of CI, identify CI hotspots, and as exposure input for large-scale risk assessments.
@article{nirandjan2022spatially,title={A spatially-explicit harmonized global dataset of critical infrastructure},author={Nirandjan, Sadhana and Koks, Elco and Ward, Philip J and Aerts, Jeroen CJH},journal={Scientific Data},volume={9},number={1},pages={1--13},year={2022},publisher={Nature Publishing Group},doi={10.1038/s41597-022-01218-4},}
Improved assessment of rainfall-induced railway infrastructure risk in China using empirical data
Floods have negative effects on the reliable operation of transportation systems. In China alone, floods cause an average of ∼1125 h of railway service disruptions per year. In this study, we present a simulation framework to analyse the system vulnerability and risk of the railway system to floods. First, we developed a novel methodology for generating flood events at both the national and river basin scale. Based on flood hazard maps of different return periods, independent flood events are generated using the Monte Carlo sampling method. Combined with network theory and spatial analysis methods, the resulting event set provides the basis for national- and provincial-level railway risk assessments, focusing in particular on train performance loss. Applying this framework to the Chinese railway system, we show that the system vulnerability of the Chinese railway system to floods is highly heterogeneous as a result of spatial variations in the railway topology and traffic flows. Flood events in the Yangtze River basin show the largest impact on the national railway system, with approximately 40 % of the national daily trains being affected by a 100-year flood event in that basin. At the national level, the average percentage of daily affected trains and passengers for the national system is approximately 2.7 % of the total daily number of trips and passengers. The event-based approach presented in this study shows how we can identify critical hotspots within a complex network, taking the first steps in developing climate-resilient infrastructure.
@article{zhu2022improved,title={Improved assessment of rainfall-induced railway infrastructure risk in China using empirical data},author={Zhu, Weihua and Liu, Kai and Wang, Ming and Nirandjan, Sadhana and Koks, Elco},journal={Natural Hazards},pages={1--24},year={2022},publisher={Springer},doi={10.5194/nhess-22-1519-2022},}