Multi-hazard Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Climate Adaptation
The Horizon Europe Multi-hazard Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Climate Adaptation (MIRACA) project will start on January 1st, 2023 (HORIZON-MISS-2021-CLIMA-02-03).
We will develop an evidence-based #decision-support #toolkit, consisting of (i) a guidance on #technical and #economic #appraisal of adaptation strategies for #critical #infrastructure, (ii) a technical decision-support workbench and (iii) an online interactive viewer. These will be based on a multi-hazard climate risk assessment framework that will employ new methods of data acquisition, which will fill critical gaps in knowledge of the vulnerability and costs of CI. New model capabilities will be developed to fully appraise the benefits for people and businesses of climate-#resilient #infrastructure #systems.
Within MIRACA, we will not only assess infrastructure asset risks, but also actively develop and apply methods to estimate network and macroeconomic risks, both through cascades within single infrastructure systems, but also through infrastructure interdependencies.
Our methodologies will be made available through #open-#access datasets, model #code and #online interactive #visualisations. The toolkit will be implemented across Europe, most notably in regions and communities that are currently not well-prepared against future climate change and still confronted with data scarcity.
The project will be led by myself and my colleagues at the Institute for Environmental Studies (VU Amsterdam), in close collaboration with an amazing group of people from Lobelia Earth, the University of Oxford, the University of Ljlubljana, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Vizzuality and Deltares. Next to these partners, we will closely collaborate with regional infrastructure operators and owners across the continent.