

  1. Physical vulnerability database for critical infrastructure hazard risk assessments–a systematic review and data collection
    Sadhana NirandjanElco KoksMengqi Ye, Raghav Pant, Kees CH Van Ginkel, Jeroen CJH Aerts, and Philip J Ward
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2024
  2. Brief Communication: Bridging the data gap–enhancing the representation of global coastal flood protection
    Nicole Maanen, Joël J-FG De Plaen, Timothy Tiggeloven, Maria Luisa Colmenares, Philip J Ward, Paolo Scussolini, and Elco Koks
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2024
  3. VineCopulas: an open-source Python package for vine copula modelling
    Judith N Claassen, Elco Koks, Marleen C Ruiter, Philip J Ward, and Wiebke S Jäger
    Journal of Open Source Software, 2024
  4. Towards an open pipeline for the detection of critical infrastructure from satellite imagery—a case study on electrical substations in The Netherlands
    Joel De Plaen, Elco Koks, and Philip J Ward
    Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2024
  5. VulneraCity-drivers and dynamics of urban vulnerability based on a global systematic literature review
    Tristian R Stolte, Elco Koks, Hans Moel, Lena Reimann, Jasper Vliet, Marleen C Ruiter, and Philip J Ward
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2024
  6. Risk of Tropical Cyclones and Floods to Power Grids in Southeast and East Asia
    Mengqi Ye, Philip J Ward, Nadia Bloemendaal, Sadhana Nirandjan, and Elco Koks
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2024
  7. Exposure of Global Rail and Road Infrastructures in Future Record-Breaking Climate Extremes
    Qianzhi Wang, Kai Liu, Ming Wang, Elco Koks, and Haizhong Wang
    Earth’s Future, 2024
  8. An Empirical Social Vulnerability Map for Flood Risk Assessment at Global Scale (“GlobE-SoVI”)
    Lena Reimann, Elco Koks, Hans Moel, Marijn J Ton, and Jeroen CJH Aerts
    Earth’s Future, 2024
  9. Quantifying climate risks to infrastructure systems: A comparative review of developments across infrastructure sectors
    Jasper Verschuur, Alberto Fernández-Pérez, Evelyn MühlhoferSadhana Nirandjan, Edoardo Borgomeo, Olivia Becher, Asimina Voskaki, Edward J Oughton, and 3 more authors
    PLOS Climate, 2024
  10. Infrastructure failure cascades quintuple risk of storm and flood-induced service disruptions across the globe
    Evelyn Mühlhofer, David N Bresch, and Elco Koks
    One Earth, 2024
  11. OpenStreetMap for Multi-Faceted Climate Risk Assessments
    Evelyn Mühlhofer, Chahan Kropf, Lukas Riedel, David Niklaus Bresch, and Elco Koks
    Environmental Research Communications, 2024
  12. Compound flood impacts from Hurricane Sandy on New York City in climate-driven storylines
    Henrique MD Goulart, Irene Benito Lazaro, Linda Garderen, Karin Wiel, Dewi Le Bars, Elco Koks, and Bart Van den Hurk
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2024
  13. Uncovering the Dynamics of Multi-Sector Impacts of Hydrological Extremes: A Methods Overview
    Mariana Madruga de Brito, Jan Sodoge, Alexander Fekete, Michael Hagenlocher, Elco Koks, Christian Kuhlicke, Gabriele Messori, Marleen Ruiter, and 2 more authors
    Earth’s Future, 2024


  1. Rapid damage assessment caused by the flooding event 2021 in Limburg, Netherlands
    Matthijs Kok, Kymo Slager, Hans Moel, Wouter Botzen, Karin Bruijn, Dennis Wagenaar, Stephan Rikkert, Elco Koks, and 1 more author
    Journal of Coastal and Riverine Flood Risk, 2023
  2. Global transportation infrastructure exposure to the change of precipitation in a warmer world
    Kai Liu, Qianzhi Wang, Ming Wang, and Elco Koks
    Nature Communications, 2023
  3. A new method to compile global multi-hazard event sets
    Judith N Claassen, Philip J Ward, James Daniell, Elco Koks, Timothy Tiggeloven, and Marleen C Ruiter
    Scientific Reports, 2023
  4. An Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Implications on Bonaire
    L Oosterhout, Elco Koks, P Beukering, S Schep, T Tiggeloven, S Manen, M Knaap, C Duinmeijer, and 1 more author
    Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 2023
  5. Systemic risks from climate-related disruptions at ports
    Jasper VerschuurElco Koks, and Jim W Hall
    Nature Climate Change, 2023
  6. Climate impact storylines for assessing socio-economic responses to remote events
    Bart JJM Hurk, Marina Baldissera Pacchetti, Esther Boere, Alessio Ciullo, Liese Coulter, Suraje Dessai, Ertug Ercin, Henrique MD Goulart, and 5 more authors
    Climate Risk Management, 2023
  7. A global assessment of national road network vulnerability
    Elco Koks, Julie Rozenberg, Mersedeh Tariverdi, Ben Dickens, Charles Fox, Kees Ginkel, and Stephane Hallegatte
    Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2023
  8. A Generalized Natural Hazard Risk Modelling Framework for Infrastructure Failure Cascades
    Evelyn MühlhoferElco Koks, Chahan M Kropf, Giovanni Sansavini, and David N Bresch
    Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023
  9. Framework for rainfall-triggered landslide-prone critical infrastructure zonation
    Kaushal Gnyawali, Kshitij Dahal, Rocky Talchabhadel, and Sadhana Nirandjan
    Science of The Total Environment, 2023
  10. Multi-hazard risk to global port infrastructure and resulting trade and logistics losses
    Jasper VerschuurElco Koks, Sihan Li, and Jim W Hall
    Communications Earth & Environment, 2023


  1. Cyclone preparedness strategies for regional power transmission systems in data-scarce coastal regions of India
    Surender V Raj, Udit Bhatia, and Manish Kumar
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022
  2. The impacts of coastal flooding and sea level rise on critical infrastructure: a novel storyline approach
    Elco Koks, D Le Bars, AH Essenfelder, Sadhana Nirandjan, and P Sayers
    Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 2022
  3. A spatially-explicit harmonized global dataset of critical infrastructure
    Sadhana NirandjanElco Koks, Philip J Ward, and Jeroen CJH Aerts
    Scientific Data, 2022
  4. A systemic risk framework to improve the resilience of port and supply-chain networks to natural hazards
    Jasper Verschuur, Raghav Pant, Elco Koks, and Jim Hall
    Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2022
  5. Ports’ criticality in international trade and global supply-chains
    Jasper VerschuurElco Koks, and JW Hall
    Nature Communications, 2022
  6. Critical infrastructure and hazards: A risk modelling approach
  7. Will river floods ‘tip’European road networks? A robustness assessment
    Kees Van Ginkel, Elco Koks, Frederique Groen, Viet Dung Nguyen, and Lorenzo Alfieri
    Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022
  8. System vulnerability to flood events and risk assessment of railway systems based on national and river basin scales in China
    Weihua Zhu, Kai Liu, Ming Wang, Philip J Ward, and Elco Koks
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2022
  9. Improved assessment of rainfall-induced railway infrastructure risk in China using empirical data
    Weihua Zhu, Kai Liu, Ming Wang, Sadhana Nirandjan, and Elco Koks
    Natural Hazards, 2022
  10. Invited perspectives: A research agenda towards disaster risk management pathways in multi-(hazard-) risk assessment
    Philip J Ward, James Daniell, Melanie Duncan, Anna Dunne, Cédric Hananel, Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, Annegien Tijssen, Silvia Torresan, and 3 more authors
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2022
  11. Brief communication: Critical infrastructure impacts of the 2021 mid-July western European flood event
    Elco Koks, Kees Van Ginkel, Margreet JE Marle, and Anne Lemnitzer
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2022


  1. A River Flood and Earthquake Risk Assessment of Railway Assets along the Belt and Road
    Qianzhi Wang, Kai Liu, Ming Wang, and Elco Koks
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2021
  2. Global economic impacts of COVID-19 lockdown measures stand out in high-frequency shipping data
    Jasper VerschuurElco Koks, and Jim W Hall
    PloS one, 2021
  3. Flood risk assessment of the European road network
    Kees Van Ginkel, Francesco Dottori, Lorenzo Alfieri, Luc Feyen, and Elco Koks
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2021
  4. Risks on global financial stability induced by climate change: the case of flood risks
    Antoine Mandel, Timothy Tiggeloven, Daniel Lincke, Elco Koks, Philip Ward, and Jochen Hinkel
    Climatic Change, 2021
  5. Observed impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global trade
    Jasper VerschuurElco Koks, and Jim W Hall
    Nature Human Behaviour, 2021


  1. Port disruptions due to natural disasters: Insights into port and logistics resilience
    J Verschuur, Elco Koks, and JW Hall
    Transportation research part D: transport and environment, 2020
  2. Prioritising resilience policies to reduce welfare losses from natural disasters: a case study for coastal Bangladesh
    J Verschuur, Elco Koks, A Haque, and JW Hall
    Global Environmental Change, 2020
  3. A high-resolution wind damage model for Europe
    Elco Koks, and Toon Haer
    Scientific Reports, 2020
  4. Hard or soft flood adaptation? Advantages of a hybrid strategy for Shanghai
    Shiqiang Du, Paolo Scussolini, Philip J Ward, Min Zhang, Jiahong Wen, Luyang Wang, Elco Koks, Andres Diaz-Loaiza, and 3 more authors
    Global Environmental Change, 2020
  5. Dependence of tropical cyclone damage on maximum wind speed and socioeconomic factors
    Mengqi Ye, Jidong Wu, Wenhui Liu, Xin He, and Cailin Wang
    Environmental Research Letters, 2020
  6. Seismic risk assessment of the railway network of China’s Mainland
    Weihua Zhu, Kai Liu, Ming Wang, and Elco Koks
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2020


  1. Historical and Future Changes in Asset Value and GDP in Areas Exposed to Tropical Cyclones in China
    Mengqi Ye, Jidong Wu, Cailin Wang, and Xin He
    Weather, Climate, and Society, 2019
  2. Multiregional disaster impact models: Recent advances and comparison of outcomes
    Elco Koks, Raghav Pant, Trond Husby, Johannes Többen, and Jan Oosterhaven
  3. Understanding business disruption and economic losses due to electricity failures and flooding
    Elco Koks, Raghav Pant, Scott Thacker, and Jim W Hall
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2019
  4. A global multi-hazard risk analysis of road and railway infrastructure assets
    Elco Koks, Julie Rozenberg, Conrad Zorn, Mersedeh Tariverdi, Michalis Vousdoukas, SA Fraser, JW Hall, and Stephane Hallegatte
    Nature communications, 2019
  5. Building asset value mapping in support of flood risk assessments: A case study of Shanghai, China
    Jidong Wu, Mengqi Ye, Xu Wang, and Elco Koks
    Sustainability, 2019


  1. Moving flood risk modelling forwards
    Nature Climate Change, 2018


  1. Adaptation to sea level rise: a multidisciplinary analysis for Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
    Paolo Scussolini, Thi Van Thu Tran, Elco Koks, Andres Diaz-Loaiza, Phi Long Ho, and Ralph Lasage
    Water Resources Research, 2017
  2. Household migration in disaster impact analysis: incorporating behavioural responses to risk
    Trond G Husby, and Elco Koks
    Natural Hazards, 2017


  1. Regional disaster impact analysis: comparing input–output and computable general equilibrium models
    Elco Koks, Lorenzo Carrera, Olaf Jonkeren, Jeroen CJH Aerts, Trond G Husby, Mark Thissen, Gabriele Standardi, and Jaroslav Mysiak
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2016
  2. A multiregional impact assessment model for disaster analysis
    Elco Koks, and Mark Thissen
    Economic Systems Research, 2016
  3. Improving flood damage assessment models in Italy
    Mattia Amadio, Jaroslav Mysiak, Lorenzo Carrera, and Elco Koks
    Natural Hazards, 2016


  1. Combining hazard, exposure and social vulnerability to provide lessons for flood risk management
    Elco Koks, Brenden Jongman, Trond G Husby, and Wouter JW Botzen
    Environmental science & policy, 2015
  2. Integrated direct and indirect flood risk modeling: development and sensitivity analysis
    Elco Koks, Md Bočkarjova, Hans Moel, and Jeroen CJH Aerts
    Risk analysis, 2015


  1. The economic-wide consequences of natural hazards: an application of a European interregional inputoutput model
    Elco Koks, and Mark Thissen
    In Conf. Pap. 22nd Input Output Conf., Lisboa, Port, 2014
  2. Increasing flood exposure in the Netherlands: implications for risk financing
    Brenden Jongman, Elco Koks, Trond G Husby, and Philip J Ward
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2014
  3. Effect of spatial adaptation measures on flood risk: study of coastal floods in Belgium
    Elco Koks, Hans Moel, Jeroen CJH Aerts, and Laurens M Bouwer
    Regional environmental change, 2014